Thursday, June 01, 2006

Counterfeit, Fake, Knockoff

I've done it! I just finished my counterfeit Dior yesterday. I think I like mine better than the real thing. The Original: "Lady Dior Quilted East/West Bag" is valued at $1,150.00 and mine is absolutely priceless! It crocheted this by eye meaning I just kind of went along by looking at the pictures (no pattern). It was a lot like drawing. My first love will always be knitting but crocheting was fun because it is so easy to improvise shape and texture. I think I will send this to Stephanie since she can probably take better pictures than me. Here are more detailed shots:

I was reading the paper this morning (but I think it was from yesterday) and I'm not a huge entertainment fanatic but I came accross this one article analyzing the chosen name for Angelina Jolie's baby. Her name is apparently Shiloh and that means "messiah" and I forget her other name but apparently it means "new". And so they are making a big deal about naming the kid "new messiah" like it's a weird thing. It brings to mind the whole hoopla about Katie Holmes baby being named "Suri" and how it really doesn't mean princess but the closest thing that it could possibly mean is a breed of rare alpacas (which is nothing to be ashamed of in my book). So why am I wasting precious blogging time writing about this? I just think that the press should leave them alone and let them name their kids whatever they want to name them. I mean talk about ruining special moments. I swear, when I give birth and someone starts to analyze the name I chose for my baby, I will strangle them with the umbilical chord. Don't they have better things to report about?

Since we're on the whole birthing thing. My brother-in-law and his wife are scheduled to have their very first baby today (scheduled meaning a C-section) and so I am very excited for them and am wishing the mother-to-be (!) a very comfortable and problem-free delivery. Can't wait to see our new nephew!

And also, my two moms (biological and by marriage) celebrated their birthdays yesterday. I think it's so cool that they share the same birthday, it makes it easier to remember. You guys are awesome!

I sold all of the kitties at the shop (I am so excited about that!) so I am off to make more.


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