Tuesday, June 20, 2006

Because John is the man!

I know that it's a little late to be blogging about father's day but I will anyway. John and I are going to be new parents soon and I thought he deserved a little shout out on father's day too. He is going to be a great dad. Why? Because of the SUMO doll! The little drawing above is a sketch he did for me because I wanted to crochet little sumo wrestlers. They turned out great and are selling really well on my etsy shop.

Mayumi is going to have lots of crazy dolls designed by her dad to be. If you know John, he just loves to do things like this. He's got tons of energy for anything creative and is the most fun person I know, hands down. I married him just so I don't have to watch TV. Very supportive too. I've done so many crazy (not in a good way) things with my career but he's always been encouraging. Can you imagine him coming home from a 16 hour work day and me saying, "Hey, I think I want to sell crocheted creatures online to make money?". I mean you have to have a pretty good sense of humor to take that in stride. Instead of lecturing me on how we need to find a more stable, steady source of income to pay mortgage, bills and baby expenses, he starts to draw things for me to make. I am truly lucky and I know Mayumi is too.

So John, have a chocodile (or two)!

Yup, that's what I got John for father's day. Chocodiles. It's been on his wish list for awhile. I guess you can't find it here in Portland. If anybody knows of a local store that carries them, let me know. It would make my hubby so happy.

Anyhow, for a fun link, try the search engine gizoogle. It'll bring the gangsta out of everybody. Try searching for a website that you already go to on a regular basis and see what happens to the site description. Check it! It's fo' real.

Peace out!



Christina said...

gizoogle is great! in honor of snoop dogg, i did a search for my favorite brand of gin and the description was hilarious!!

Betz White said...

OMG! I love the sumo guys! Too cute!

Congrats on your soon to be mom-ness! :)