Thursday, June 08, 2006

Busy, Busy, Busy

I have a lot of projects that I really, really want to start but can't because I have a dozen or so that I'm in the middle of. Sometimes I wish my hands would work as fast as my brain but no, I will probably have arthritis at the age of 35.

John is trying to learn Tagalog (Filipino dialect) and it's fun to listen to him practice his lessons. He can now count to 10 in filipino! I'm so excited for him. I tried teaching him to count last summer by singing this filipino nursery rhyme about counting. It didn't work. It must be my singing.

Since we are on the subject of filipino things, have you ever heard of Sudden Unexpected Nocturnal Death Syndrome. It is a freaky
cause of death where you just go to sleep, have really scary nightmares (this part might be legend) and never wake up. It occurs mostly to Southeast Asian Men around 23-35 years of age. Why am I talking about this? I was over at my parent's house and they were watching this old movie that a young actor played in who died of this cause. It just gives me the creeps. I mean the guy was completely healthy and young and then he just never woke up. People that were close to him when he died said that he was talking in his sleep. Ooooh ... just freaky, X-filey stuff.

Anyhow, do you dig my bunny? We found it at the goodwill and he looks good enough to be in a Mark Ryden painting. I love him. He collects old dolls and toys from thrift stores and uses them for models in his paintings. Very cool.

I have to go now and try to crochet a buddha. Will let you know how that turns out.

Ooops, also we went out to dinner last night and I got this for a takeout container! So appropriate.



Tim and Katherine said...

I think I prefer dying due to SUNDS over getting eaten alive by a pack of lions.. me and Tim saw a video of this guy who was stupid enough to walk up to some lions just to take some close-up photos. The caption says "Well, maybe this is how he would've wanted to go..."

Shhhh said...

Yah, anything's better than dying of stupidity.